A Day in the Life
It's 5am I hear the soft cries from the baby's room, I am woken up out a dead sleep. I stumble in to rock her back to sleep. I go in her room, she looks up at me with those perfect blue eyes and a great big smile on her face. I pick her up, I hug her, she hugs me back. We sit, I rock her trying to have her go back to sleep. Finally, 30 minutes later she is ready. I lay her down. I can go back to sleep. On my way I see my son who couldn't sleep any longer; he's hungry. We go to the kitchen, he wants eggs this morning. He cracks them, I cook them. We laugh. He eats; he shares some with me. He tells me about what we should do after school. He finishes his breakfast and rushes off to get ready for school. I am tired, I am headed back to bed, but then suddenly realize I forgot to make lunches. I begin. Lunches are made now it's time to wake everyone else up. I go from room to room embracing each one with a good morning kiss. They are up. I can hear their bustling about showering, brushing teeth, and laughing with each other. They head down the stairs asking what's for breakfast. We make breakfast, kneel for family prayer and we are off to school.
All the kids are gone, except the baby and me. We play, we kiss, we love. It's nap time. It's when the real work begins, the laundry, the dishes, the cleaning, the school work so I can graduate in December, all while the house is peaceful as the little girl sleeps. All of a sudden I hear it. "Ma Ma Ma" from her room. She's awake! Time to be done with the work for now. I go get her we play, we eat lunch, we love. It's time! The kids are coming home. It's snack time, the cookies are just coming out of the oven. Homework help and chores to be done. It's time to start dinner, oh but wait I forgot I need to go pick up at football. We rush to make it in time. We arrive, he smiles when we appear. He rushes to the car. He jumps in, he kisses the baby. He shouts I made it! He got picked as captain of the team! We celebrate. We embrace. We head home. He showers; I finish dinner. We sit down. We pray; we thank him for everything that happened that day. We eat; we talk. We clean up. We got upstairs; we snuggle, we study. It's bedtime. We brush, we pray, we love, we say goodnight. The lights are off, but it time to finish the work. It's midnight. The jobs are done and I head to bed, knowing it will all start again tomorrow!
Elder Ballard said
taken from http://thedailyquotes.com/a-good-mother/
There is no right or wrong to nurture our children. There is no written handbook. What mattes most is that you love your children unconditionally, that you care for them and you would do anything for them. Motherhood is hard at times and sometimes it can appear to be a thankless job, but as we reflect upon our days and the smiles we receive, the hugs we are given we will know that they are so grateful and love you as their mom unconditionally as well.
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